You can list the active account name:

gcloud auth list

To set the active account, run:

gcloud config list project

You can list the project ID with this command:

gcloud config list project

Set your region and zone:

gcloud config set compute/zone "ZONE"
export ZONE=$(gcloud config get compute/zone)
gcloud config set compute/region "REGION"
export REGION=$(gcloud config get compute/region)

Enable the Compute Engine API by executing the following:

gcloud services enable

Create Cloud Storage bucket


Use of the $DEVSHELL_PROJECT_ID environment variable within Cloud Shell is to help ensure the names of objects are unique. Since all Project IDs within Google Cloud must be unique, appending the Project ID should make other names unique as well.

gsutil mb gs://fancy-store-$DEVSHELL_PROJECT_ID

Copy data from bucket to local dir

gsutil -m cp -r gs://fancy-store-[DEVSHELL_PROJECT_ID]/dir/* ./dir

Create a vm with starting script from bucket

export VMNAME=backend
export VMTYPE=e2-standard-2
export VMTAG=backend
gcloud compute instances create $VMNMAE \
    --zone=$ZONE \
    --machine-type=$VMTYPE \
    --tags=backend \

list instances of vm in the project

gcloud compute instances list

Create firewall rules to allow access to port 8080

gcloud compute firewall-rules create fw-fe \
    --allow tcp:8080 \

stop vm

gcloud compute instances stop $VMNAME --zone=$ZONE

Create managed instance groups

export INSGROUP=fancy-vm
gcloud compute instance-templates create INSGROUP \
    --source-instance-zone=$ZONE \

list template instances

gcloud compute instance-templates list

delete vm that we made template from

gcloud compute instances delete $VMNAME --zone=$ZONE

Create managed instance group

export $MINSGROUP=fancy-be-mig
gcloud compute instance-groups managed create $MINSGROUP \
    --zone=$ZONE \
    --base-instance-name $INSGROUP \
    --size 2 \
    --template $INSGROUP

Since these are non-standard ports, you specify named ports to identify these. Named ports are key:value pair metadata representing the service name and the port that it’s running on. Named ports can be assigned to an instance group, which indicates that the service is available on all instances in the group. This information is used by the HTTP Load Balancing service that will be configured later.

gcloud compute instance-groups set-named-ports $MINSGROUP \
    --zone=$ZONE \
    --named-ports orders:8081,products:8082

Create a health check that repairs the instance if it returns “unhealthy” 3 consecutive times:

gcloud compute health-checks create http fancy-fe-hc \
    --port 8080 \
    --check-interval 30s \
    --healthy-threshold 1 \
    --timeout 10s \
    --unhealthy-threshold 3