Table of Contents


Airbyte CLI is a command-line tool for managing Airbyte data pipelines, allowing automation and integration of data synchronization workflows.

Key Features

  • Source/destination management
  • Connection configuration
  • Sync job control
  • Pipeline automation
  • Configuration import/export
  • Health monitoring
  • Workspace management
  • OAuth handling


# Using Python pip
pip install airbyte-cli
# Using Homebrew
brew install airbyte-cli
# Using Docker
docker pull airbyte/cli:latest

Basic Usage

Initial Setup

# Initialize CLI
airbyte init
# Configure workspace
airbyte workspace init
# List available commands
airbyte --help
# Check version
airbyte version


# Set API key
airbyte auth login --api-key YOUR_API_KEY
# Configure host
airbyte config set host http://localhost:8000
# Test connection
airbyte health-check

Source Operations

Source Management

# List available sources
airbyte source list-types
# Create source
airbyte source create \
    --name "PostgreSQL Production" \
    --type postgres \
    --config source-config.json
# List configured sources
airbyte source list
# Get source details
airbyte source get --id source_id

Source Configuration

# Create source configuration
cat > source-config.json << EOF
    "host": "localhost",
    "port": 5432,
    "database": "production",
    "username": "user",
    "password": "pass",
    "schema": "public"
# Update source
airbyte source update \
    --id source_id \
    --config source-config.json
# Check source connection
airbyte source check-connection --id source_id

Destination Operations

Destination Management

# List available destinations
airbyte destination list-types
# Create destination
airbyte destination create \
    --name "Snowflake Warehouse" \
    --type snowflake \
    --config destination-config.json
# List configured destinations
airbyte destination list
# Get destination details
airbyte destination get --id destination_id

Destination Configuration

# Create destination configuration
cat > destination-config.json << EOF
    "host": "",
    "role": "ACCOUNTADMIN",
    "warehouse": "COMPUTE_WH",
    "database": "AIRBYTE_DB",
    "schema": "PUBLIC",
    "username": "user",
    "password": "pass"
# Update destination
airbyte destination update \
    --id destination_id \
    --config destination-config.json
# Check destination connection
airbyte destination check-connection --id destination_id

Connection Management

Connection Setup

# Create connection
airbyte connection create \
    --source-id source_id \
    --destination-id destination_id \
    --config connection-config.json
# List connections
airbyte connection list
# Get connection details
airbyte connection get --id connection_id

Connection Configuration

# Create connection configuration
cat > connection-config.json << EOF
    "syncCatalog": {
        "streams": [
                "stream": {
                    "name": "users",
                    "jsonSchema": {},
                    "supportedSyncModes": ["full_refresh", "incremental"]
                "config": {
                    "syncMode": "incremental",
                    "cursorField": ["updated_at"],
                    "destinationSyncMode": "append_dedup"
    "schedule": {
        "units": 24,
        "timeUnit": "hours"
    "status": "active"
# Update connection
airbyte connection update \
    --id connection_id \
    --config connection-config.json

Sync Operations

Manual Sync

# Trigger sync
airbyte connection sync --id connection_id
# Check sync status
airbyte connection get-state --id connection_id
# List sync history
airbyte connection list-jobs --id connection_id

Sync Monitoring

# Get sync logs
airbyte connection get-logs --id connection_id
# Monitor sync progress
airbyte connection watch --id connection_id
# Get sync statistics
airbyte connection get-stats --id connection_id

Advanced Features

Workspace Management

# Create workspace
airbyte workspace create --name "Production"
# List workspaces
airbyte workspace list
# Switch workspace
airbyte workspace use --id workspace_id
# Update workspace
airbyte workspace update \
    --id workspace_id \
    --name "New Name"

Configuration Management

# Export configuration
airbyte export --workspace-id workspace_id config.yaml
# Import configuration
airbyte import config.yaml
# Backup workspace
airbyte backup create --workspace-id workspace_id

Best Practices

Error Handling

# Enable debug mode
airbyte --debug command
# Retry failed sync
airbyte connection retry-failed --id connection_id
# Handle connection errors
airbyte connection reset --id connection_id

Example Scripts

Automated Sync Setup

# Setup complete sync pipeline
# Configuration
SOURCE_NAME="PostgreSQL Source"
DEST_NAME="Snowflake Dest"
CONN_NAME="Postgres to Snowflake"
# Create source
source_id=$(airbyte source create \
    --name "$SOURCE_NAME" \
    --type postgres \
    --config source-config.json \
    --format json | jq -r '.sourceId')
# Create destination
dest_id=$(airbyte destination create \
    --name "$DEST_NAME" \
    --type snowflake \
    --config destination-config.json \
    --format json | jq -r '.destinationId')
# Create connection
conn_id=$(airbyte connection create \
    --name "$CONN_NAME" \
    --source-id "$source_id" \
    --destination-id "$dest_id" \
    --config connection-config.json \
    --format json | jq -r '.connectionId')
# Start initial sync
airbyte connection sync --id "$conn_id"

Monitoring Script

# Monitor sync status
monitor_sync() {
    status=$(airbyte connection get-state \
        --id "$CONNECTION_ID" \
        --format json | jq -r '.status')
    if [ "$status" == "failed" ]; then
        logs=$(airbyte connection get-logs --id "$CONNECTION_ID")
        curl -X POST -H 'Content-type: application/json' \
            --data "{\"text\":\"Sync failed: $logs\"}" \
# Run monitoring every 5 minutes
while true; do
    sleep 300

Bulk Operations

# Perform bulk operations
# Reset all failed connections
airbyte connection list --format json | \
jq -r '.[] | select(.status=="failed") | .connectionId' | \
while read -r conn_id; do
    echo "Resetting connection $conn_id"
    airbyte connection reset --id "$conn_id"
# Backup all configurations
BACKUP_DIR="airbyte_backup_$(date +%Y%m%d)"
mkdir -p "$BACKUP_DIR"
airbyte workspace list --format json | \
jq -r '.[].workspaceId' | \
while read -r workspace_id; do
    airbyte export \
        --workspace-id "$workspace_id" \


  • Regularly backup configurations
  • Monitor sync status
  • Handle failures gracefully
  • Document custom configurations
  • Use version control for configs
  • Implement monitoring
  • Follow security best practices

For detailed information, consult the Airbyte CLI documentation and the official Airbyte documentation.