Table of Contents


jq is a lightweight command-line JSON processor. It’s like sed for JSON data - you can use it to slice, filter, map, and transform structured data.

Key Features

  • JSON parsing and formatting
  • Data filtering and transformation
  • Complex data queries
  • Array and object manipulation
  • Stream processing
  • Custom functions
  • Regular expressions
  • Mathematical operations

Basic Usage

Simple Queries

# Pretty print JSON
jq '.' file.json
# Get specific field
jq '.fieldname' file.json
# Array element
jq '.[0]' file.json
# Multiple fields
jq '{name: .name, age: .age}' file.json

Common Options

# Compact output (no pretty printing)
jq -c '.' file.json
# Raw output (no quotes)
jq -r '.name' file.json
# Slurp array
jq -s '.' file1.json file2.json


Basic Filters

# Select fields
jq '.[] | {name: .name, age: .age}'
# Filter by value
jq '.[] | select(.age > 30)'
# Filter by existence
jq '.[] | select(.optional != null)'
# Multiple conditions
jq '.[] | select(.age > 30 and .type == "user")'

Complex Filters

# Nested selection
jq '.users[] | select( == "London")'
# Regular expressions
jq '.[] | select(.name | test("^J.*"))'
# Contains
jq '.[] | select(.tags | contains(["important"]))'

Data Transformation

Value Modifications

# Modify values
jq '.[] | .price *= 1.1'
# String operations
jq '.name |= ascii_upcase'
# Date formatting
jq '.date |= fromdate | strftime("%Y-%m-%d")'

Structure Changes

# Rename fields
jq '{ user: .name, years: .age }'
# Add fields
jq '. += { "status": "active" }'
# Delete fields
jq 'del(.unwanted_field)'

Array Operations

Array Manipulation

# Map transformation
jq '.[] | map(.price *= 1.1)'
# Filter array
jq '[.[] | select(.price > 100)]'
# Sort array
jq 'sort_by(.price)'
# Unique values
jq 'unique_by(.id)'

Array Aggregation

# Count elements
jq '.[] | length'
# Sum values
jq '[.[].price] | add'
# Group by field
jq 'group_by(.category)'
# Reduce operation
jq 'reduce .[] as $item (0; . + $item.price)'

Object Operations

Object Manipulation

# Merge objects
jq '. * {"new": "field"}'
# Pick fields
jq 'pick(["name", "age"])'
# Remove null fields
jq 'with_entries(select(.value != null))'
# Transform keys
jq 'with_entries(.key |= ascii_downcase)'

Nested Operations

# Deep merge
jq 'recursively_merge(input)'
# Deep search
jq '.. | select(.id == "123")?'
# Flatten structure
jq 'flatten'

Advanced Features

Custom Functions

# Define function
jq 'def add_tax($rate): . * (1 + $rate);
    .price | add_tax(0.2)'
# Multiple functions
jq '
def calculate_total: .price * .quantity;
def add_tax($rate): . * (1 + $rate);
.[] | calculate_total | add_tax(0.2)


# Using variables
jq --arg name "John" '.[] | select(.name == $name)'
# Multiple variables
jq --arg min "10" --arg max "20" \
   '.[] | select(.price >= ($min|tonumber) and .price <= ($max|tonumber))'

Best Practices

Performance Tips

# Stream large files
jq -c '.[]' large.json
# Selective parsing
jq -R 'fromjson? | select(.type == "error")'
# Efficient filtering
jq '[.[] | select(.important)] | .[0:10]'

Error Handling

# Check for null
jq 'if . == null then empty else . end'
# Default values
jq '.missing // "default"'
# Try/catch equivalent
jq 'try .field catch "error"'

Example Scripts

Data Analysis

# Analyze JSON logs
jq '
  def timestamp: fromdate | strftime("%Y-%m-%d");
  reduce .[] as $item ({};
    .[$item.type] += 1 |
    .dates[$item.timestamp | timestamp] += 1
' logs.json

Data Transformation

# Transform data structure
jq '
  def normalize_user:
      id: .user_id,
      name: .user_name,
      email: .user_email,
      active: (.status == "active")
  .users | map(normalize_user)
' input.json

API Response Processing

# Process API response
jq '
  def process_response:
    select(.status == "success") |
    .data |
      id: .id,
      name: .name,
      total: (.price * .quantity)
    }) |
    sort_by(.total) |
    reverse |
    .[0:5];  # top 5 by total
' response.json

Configuration Generator

# Generate configuration
jq -n '
  app: {
    name: $name,
    version: $version,
    environment: $env,
    settings: {
      debug: ($debug == "true"),
      max_connections: ($max_conn | tonumber),
      timeout: ($timeout | tonumber)
}' \
  --arg name "MyApp" \
  --arg version "1.0.0" \
  --arg env "production" \
  --arg debug "false" \
  --arg max_conn "100" \
  --arg timeout "30"


  • Use appropriate filters for performance
  • Handle errors gracefully
  • Document complex transformations
  • Test with sample data
  • Consider memory usage for large files
  • Use raw output when needed

For detailed information, consult the jq manual (man jq) and the jq documentation.