Table of Contents


yq is a lightweight and portable command-line YAML, JSON, and XML processor. It’s written in Go and uses similar syntax to jq.

Key Features

  • YAML/JSON/XML processing
  • Multi-document support
  • Format conversion
  • In-place editing
  • Expression evaluation
  • Array operations
  • Document merging
  • Path-based updates

Basic Usage

Simple Operations

# Read YAML
yq '.' file.yaml
# Get specific field
yq '.field' file.yaml
# Get nested field
yq '.parent.child' file.yaml
# Get array element
yq '.array[0]' file.yaml

Common Options

# Pretty print
yq -P '.' file.yaml
# In-place edit
yq -i '.field = "value"' file.yaml
# Output format
yq -o=json '.' file.yaml

YAML Operations

Basic Queries

# Select multiple fields
yq '{name: .name, age: .age}' file.yaml
# Filter arrays
yq '.users[] | select(.age > 30)' file.yaml
# Count elements
yq '.array | length' file.yaml
# Get keys
yq 'keys' file.yaml


# Set value
yq '.field = "new value"' file.yaml
# Add field
yq '.newField = "value"' file.yaml
# Delete field
yq 'del(.field)' file.yaml
# Append to array
yq '.array += ["new item"]' file.yaml

Data Transformation

Value Operations

# String operations
yq '.name |= upcase' file.yaml
# Number operations
yq '.price *= 1.1' file.yaml
# Boolean operations
yq '.active |= not' file.yaml

Structure Modifications

# Rename fields
yq '.new_name = .old_name | del(.old_name)' file.yaml
# Merge objects
yq '. *+ {"new": "field"}' file.yaml
# Sort arrays
yq '[.array[] | sort_by(.field)]' file.yaml

Multi-Document Processing

Document Operations

# Process all documents
yq eval-all '.' multiple-docs.yaml
# Merge documents
yq eval-all '. as $item ireduce ({}; . * $item)' multiple-docs.yaml
# Select specific document
yq eval-all 'select(documentIndex == 0)' multiple-docs.yaml

Document Manipulation

# Split document
yq eval-all '.items[] | splitDoc' file.yaml
# Join documents
yq eval-all '. as $item ireduce ([]; . + $item)' files*.yaml
# Filter documents
yq eval-all 'select(.type == "config")' multiple-docs.yaml

Format Conversion

YAML/JSON Conversion

yq -o=json '.' file.yaml
yq -P '.' file.json
# Pretty JSON
yq -o=json -P '.' file.yaml

XML Operations

yq -p=xml '.' file.xml
yq -o=xml '.' file.yaml
# XML attribute handling
yq -p=xml '.. | select(has("@attr"))' file.xml

Advanced Features

Expression Evaluation

# Conditional operations
yq 'if .type == "prod" then .replicas = 3 else .replicas = 1 end' file.yaml
# Complex expressions
yq '.items[] | select(.price > 100 and .stock > 0)' file.yaml
# Custom operators
yq '.price -= 10 | .stock += 5' file.yaml

Path Operations

# Get paths
yq paths file.yaml
# Path-based updates
yq 'with(select(.type == "service"); .port = 8080)' file.yaml
# Path filtering
yq '.. | select(. == "value")' file.yaml

Best Practices

Performance Tips

# Stream processing
yq -s '.' large.yaml
# Efficient filtering
yq 'select(.important == true)' file.yaml
# Batch processing
yq eval-all '.' *.yaml

Error Handling

# Check existence
yq 'select(.field != null)' file.yaml
# Default values
yq '.missing // "default"' file.yaml
# Error logging
yq --verbose '.' file.yaml 2>errors.log

Example Scripts

Kubernetes Config Management

# Update Kubernetes deployments
yq eval '
  .spec.template.spec.containers[0].image = "newimage:latest" |
  .spec.replicas = 3
' deployment.yaml

Configuration Generator

# Generate configuration files
yq eval-all '
  .env = "production" |
  .settings.debug = false |
  .settings.timeout = 30 |
  .settings.maxConnections = 100
' template.yaml

YAML Validation

# Validate YAML files
validate_yaml() {
    local file=$1
    if ! yq '.' "$file" >/dev/null 2>&1; then
        echo "Invalid YAML: $file"
        return 1
    echo "Valid YAML: $file"
    return 0
for file in *.yaml; do
    validate_yaml "$file"

Multi-Environment Config

# Generate environment-specific configs
ENVIRONMENTS=("dev" "staging" "prod")
for env in "${ENVIRONMENTS[@]}"; do
    yq eval-all "
        select(documentIndex == 0) * load(\"${env}-values.yaml\") |
        .environment = \"${env}\"
    " base.yaml > "config-${env}.yaml"

Document Merger

# Merge multiple YAML documents
yq eval-all '
  # Merge all documents
  . as $item ireduce ({}; . * $item) |
  # Sort keys
' *.yaml > merged.yaml